Tipton County Indiana Amateur Radio Club

Who we are...

We are a group of Amateur radio operators in or near Tipton County in North Central Indiana.

We have a weekly net on Monday evenings at 8:00 PM EST. 

If you are going by and don't hear us at the above times, check your watch or the day of the week

because we are here. Well all things being considered if the world has ended maybe not.

We have our monthly club meeting the second Saturday of the month (normally) at Jim Dandy Restaurant in Tipton at 8:30AM EST.

Our primary focus currently is to find ways to interest the younger generations to keep the Amateur radio alive in the community. 

Any suggestions you may have are welcome.

If you are interested in radio or electronics, you are welcome to attend. If you are not interested in radio, you are still welcome but you will be razed more.

If you would like to reach us other than on the radio, you can email K9TRC here @k9trc.org or qsl.net has an email forwarding services.

Repeater Frequencies at a glance